
Quad Insurance Comparison

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Quad Insurance

What is quad bike insurance?

Quad bike insurance is a type of cover that is specifically tailored to insuring your quad bike. Since many insurers will view quad bikes as a non-standard vehicle it can be difficult finding an insurer for your using your quad bike on the road. Luckily has compiled a panel of UK based specialists so you can get the right cover fast.

Quad bike insurance will typically cover damage you cause to other parties property and persons whilst operating your quad bike. It can also cover damages to your own quad bike even if you are found to be at fault for an accident depending on your level of coverage.

Quad bikes, or ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) are powerful vehicles that can be a lot of fun to drive but they can also be dangerous. The potential for injury and damage can in some instances be greater than that of driving a car in some circumstances. Due to this it is highly recommended that quad bike owners take out appropriate cover to insure against such incidents should they happen. Quad bikes can be a great source of joy for many who own one, but they are also expensive and can be a major financial headache to repair. Getting the right ATV insurance is your safe guard against this threat and with, finding cheaper quad bike insurance has never been easier.

What are the types of quad bike coverage available?

The typical levels of cover are as follows, what the best option is really depends on you and what you are looking to cover.

Third-party only – This will be the minimum legal cover needed to operate a ATV Quad bike on the road in the UK. It will cover you against damages to third parties only so you will still need to cover any damage to your own quad yourself.

Third-party, fire and theft – This offers you all the coverage of a third-party only polciy with the added benefit of theft and fire coverage.

Comprehensive – This offers you all the coverage of third-party, fire and theft insurance along with the additional coverage of damages to your own vehicle in the event of an accident where you are liable. Medical expenses for your own injuries as well as third parties are also covered under comprehensive plans.

How much is quad bike insurance in the UK?

Quad bike insurance can vary on many factors such as the age, make and uses of your quad bike to name a few. Your own personal driving history will be a big factor in your insurance premium prices also. The specific type of insurance you are looking for can also have an affect, for example:

  • Sports Quad insurance
  • Leisure Quad insurance
  • Utility Quad bike insurance
  • Buggy insurance
  • Bug Riders insurance
  • ATV insurance
  • Modified Quad bike insurance

The best way of finding the cheapest quad bike insurance is to compare multiple insurance lenders so you know you are getting the best quad bike insurance available.

What are the optional extras I can add to my quad bike insurance policy?

Personal injury and accidental damage coverage are typical add-ons to quad bike insurance policies as these aren’t usually included in off-road insurance policies. Breakdown assistance is another popular add on for many quad bike insurance policies.